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| create database `sql_tutorial`; show databases;
# drop database `sql_tutorial`;
use `sql_tutorial`;
create table student( `student_id` int , `name` varchar(20), `major` varchar(20), primary key(`student_id`) );
describe `student`;
drop table `student`;
alter table `student` add `gpa` decimal(3,2);
alter table `student` drop column `gpa`;
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| create table student( `student_id` int , `name` varchar(20), `major` varchar(20), primary key(`student_id`) );
select * from `student`;
# 插入一个数据 insert into `student` values(1,'小白','历史'); insert into `student` values(2,'小绿',null); insert into `student` (`name`,`major`,`student_id`) values('小黑','历史',3); # 可以只写两个,不写的那个默认为 null insert into `student` (`major`,`student_id`) values('语文',4);
限制 约束
1 2 3 4 5 6
| create table student( `student_id` int , `name` varchar(20) not null, 不为空 `major` varchar(20) unique, 唯一 primary key(`student_id`) );
| `major` varchar(20) default '历史',
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| create table student( `student_id` int auto_increment, `name` varchar(20) not null, `major` varchar(20) default '历史', primary key(`student_id`) );
select * from `student`; drop table `student`;
insert into `student` value('小白'); 错误
| insert into `student`(`name`) value('小白');

修改删除 资料

1 2 3
| update `student` set `score` = 100 where `score` = 45;
1 2 3
| update `student` set `score` = 100 , `major` = '物理' where `score` = 45 or `major` = '历史';
1 2
| delete from `student` where `student_id` = 2;

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| delete from `student` where `student_id` = 2 and `major` = '物理';
delete from `student` where `score` < 60;
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create table student( `student_id` int auto_increment, `name` varchar(20) not null, `major` varchar(20) default '历史', `score` int, primary key(`student_id`) );
select * from `student`; drop table `student`;
insert into `student`(`name`,`score`) value('小蓝',45);
update `student` set `score` = 100 , `major` = '物理' where `score` = 45 or `major` = '历史';
delete from `student` where `score` < 60;
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| select * from `student`;
select `name` from `student`;
select `name`,`score` from `student`;
select `name` from `student` order by `score`; 从低到高 asc
select `name` from `student` order by `score` desc; 从高到低
1 2 3
| select * from `student` order by `score` asc, `student_id` desc;
1 2 3 4
| select * from `student` order by `score` asc limit 2;
1 2 3
| select * from `student` where `score` = 100;
1 2 3 4 5
| select * from `student` where `score` in(100,60); 等价于 where `score` = 100 or `score` = 60;
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| create table `employee`( `emp_id` int primary key, `name` varchar(20), `birth_date` date, `sex` varchar(1), `salary` int, `branch_id` int, `sup_id` int );
create table `branch`( `branch_id` int primary key, `branch_name` varchar(20), `manager_id` int, foreign key(`manager_id`) references `employee`(`emp_id`) on delete set null );
# 一定要加不然报错 这是我搞错id了 ALTER TABLE `employee` ADD `branch_id` INT;
# 在emloyee表格 中增加foreign key alter table `employee` add foreign key(`branch_id`) references `branch`(`branch_id`) on delete set null;
alter table `employee` add foreign key(`sup_id`) references `employee`(`emp_id`) on delete set null;
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| create table `clint`( `clint_id` int primary key, `clint_name` varchar(20), `phone` varchar(20) );
create table `work_with`( `emp_id` int, `clint_id` int, `total_sales` int, primary key(`emp_id`,`clint_id`), foreign key(`emp_id`) references `employee` (`emp_id`) on delete cascade, foreign key(`clint_id`) references `clint` (`clint_id`) on delete cascade );
| insert into `employee` values(260,'小黄','1998-10-08','F',50000,1,null);
我们需要将有foreign key的先设置为null
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| insert into `branch` values (1,'研发',null); insert into `branch` values (2,'行政',null); insert into `branch` values (3,'咨询',null);
insert into `employee` values(260,'小黄','1998-10-08','F',50000,null,1); insert into `employee` values(207,'小黄','1998-10-08','F',50000,260,2); insert into `employee` values(208,'小黄','1998-10-08','F',50000,260,3); insert into `employee` values(209,'小黄','1998-10-08','F',50000,207,3); insert into `employee` values(210,'小黄','1998-10-08','F',50000,207,1);
update `branch` set `manager_id` = 208 where `branch_id` = 3;
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| insert into `clint` values(400,'阿狗','254354335'); insert into `clint` values(401,'阿猫','254364335'); insert into `clint` values(402,'万财','254354735'); insert into `clint` values(403,'路西','254354325'); insert into `clint` values(404,'艾瑞克','254304335');
1 2 3 4 5
| insert into `work_with` values(260,400,'70000'); insert into `work_with` values(207,401,'2400'); insert into `work_with` values(208,402,'80000'); insert into `work_with` values(208,403,'9000'); insert into `work_with` values(210,404,'10000');
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| select * from `clint`;
select * from `employee` order by `salary`;
select * from `employee` order by `salary` desc limit 3;
select `name` from `employee`;
1 2
| select distinct `name` from `employee`;
聚合函数 aggregate function
- 取得员工人数
1 2
| select count(*) from `employee` ; 也可以将 * 具体化
1 2
| select count(`sup_id`) from `employee` ; 如果有数据的sup_id为null的话,就不考虑计数
- 取得所有出生年龄在 1970-01-01 之后的女性员工个数
| select count(*) from `employee` where `birth_date` > '1970-01-01' and `sex` = 'F';
- 取得所有员工的平均薪水
| select avg(`salary`) from `employee` ;
- 取得员工薪水综合
| select sum(`salary`) from `employee`;
- 最高最低薪水
1 2 3
| select max(`salary`) from `employee`;
select min(`salary`) from `employee`;